Group therapy can augment individual treatment plans, and sometimes it even replaces the one-on-one sessions completely. Group therapy provides a safe setting for real-life interaction with others. In this environment, group members can discuss their problems honestly and give each other feedback and positive reinforcement.
Groups provide a setting in which members can learn to identify, understand and express their feelings accurately to others. Led by a therapist, members are encouraged to share their thoughts
openly, but at their own pace. Group therapy can provide a sense of community that greatly enhances the psychological healing process.
The price of group therapy is significantly less compared to individual psychotherapy. However, group therapy is not for everyone. Please consult your therapist to find out if group therapy is right
for you.
Offered in Spanish
Beginning March 27, 2024
Dentro del Taller de Autoestima, el Doctor Jeffrey Paul Romero Romero, MS, EdD (Psicología del Deporte y el Rendimiento) y Marcela Rodríguez Carbajal B.A. ofrecerán un espacio virtual para la reflexión, el apoyo de pares y el intercambio de información relevante para adultos con la esperanza de mejorar la autoconciencia, aumentar la autoestima y desarrollar la autoeficacia.
e-mail para informacion
Los participantes ubicados en E.U.A. (MA y CO) pueden unirse.
Individuos ubicados en otros lugares, comuníquese con nosotros para identificar si podemos ofrecerles participación en este grupo según nuestros permisos de licencia.
Within the Self-Esteem Workshop clinicians Dr. Jeffrey Paul Romero Romero, MS, EdD (Sport & Performance Psychology) and Marcela Rodriguez Carbajal B.A. will create a virtual space for the purpose of reflection, peer support, and discemination of information relevant to adults hoping to improve self-awareness, elevate self-esteem, and develop self-efficacy. The workshop will be offered in Spanish language. English language options may be available in the future.
e-mail for information
Participants located in USA (MA & CO), are welcome to join.
Individuals located elsewhere, please contact us to identify whether we can offer you particiaption in this group based on our licensing permissions.